A tweet from Andrew Bridgen, Conservative Member of Parliament for North West Leicestershire, seems to suggest that an attack from across the Channel is imminent. The goal of the Europeans is simple: They want the vaccine being produced by AstraZeneca and Oxford University.

This comes at a time when the Europeans are unable to vaccinate their own people after the German version, developed by BionTech, was used up mainly by the British and Americans.

There is no doubt that European Union has made a real cock-up regarding the vaccination of their Citizens. A comparison between Great Britain and Germany, for instance, shows us that vaccination in the UK has been much more widespread, with a ratio of vaccinated people standing at approximately 4 to 1 (based on the number of people having received at least one vaccination). And this mainly with the Pfizer Biontech vaccine, which was developed mainly in the German city of Mainz by Ugur Sahin and his wife. Critics claim that politicians have put the European idea before the welfare of their own people.

Now the Britons are preparing to do battle as the British press, led by the Daily Mail and the Daily Express crows “You will not get our vaccine”

The following meme that has been doing the rounds on social media, illustrates the fears of Andrew Bridgen.

As soon as the first innoculated citizens turn into zombies, it will be easy

The citizens of Walmington on Sea are braced to do battle once more. The Home Guards have been reformed. They are already parading the sea front again for the first time in more than 75 years, led by Mr. Nigel Farage, a worthy successor to Captain Mainwaring. Britain is confident that they will be able to ward off any attack from the continent. As soon as the first innoculated citizens turn into zombies, it will be easy, said a spokesman from Whitehall confidently.

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